Special  Services & Events



Dr. Mike loves to do Weddings.  You can come to her for a small intimate service.  Or, she will meet you at that special place.  She will customize the service just for you.  See sample service below.


$100.00 for Wedding Service

$50.00 for Rehearsal

$50.00 (non-refundable) advance to hold date open



Dr. Mike likes to celebrate the lives of our loved ones who have gone on before us. 


Call 302-349-4220 or email at takemyhand@comcast.net




Wedding Ceremony (Sample)




Yesterday Insert Groom’s Name and Insert Bride’s Name discovered love, gently unfolding in their hearts, whispering of the joy to come.


Today their dreams will come true, creating memories that they will cherish for a lifetime.


Tomorrow they will begin a new journey hand in hand, eager to explore a world of promise.


Forever, Insert Groom’s Name and Insert Bride’s Name will share an everlasting love, a precious gift.  May their love grow to become all that God intended and imagined even before they met.


Through the wedding ceremony, two persons declare publicly their intent to enter into a relationship of enduring love.  A wedding is the celebration of the highest we know in love, the pledging of the deepest fidelity, the expression of the highest aspiration.  A relationship so sacred must not be entered into casually, but thoughtfully and deliberately. 


On this occasion, Insert Groom’s Name and Insert Bride’s Name come before family and friends to affirm the choice they have made of each other as a life’s mate, and their intention to establish a home in the fulfillment of life together.  Out of this tangled world, they have been drawn together, two people bound firmly by the sure insights of love.


Are you, Insert Bride’s Name, ready to enter this holy relationship, and to accept the responsibilities of a wife, to be Insert Groom’s Name loving, faithful, and supportive wife whether in days of success or adversity?


Bride:  I am.


And are you, Insert Groom’s Name, ready to enter this holy relationship and to accept the responsibilities of a husband, to be Insert Bride’s Name loving, faithful, and supportive husband whether in days of success or adversity?


Groom:  I am.


By these answers, which you have given after due consideration and serious thought, your purpose and willingness to take one another for better or for worse, from this day forward, is affirmed.


Now, if you know of nothing legal or moral to forbid your union and you wish to take its vows, indicate that by joining your right hands.


Wedding Vows:


Groom:  I, Insert Groom’s Name, take you, Insert Bride’s Name, to be my wife.  To share the good times and hard times side by side.  To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore.


Bride:  I, Insert Bride’s Name, take you, Insert Groom’s Name, to be my husband.  To share the good times and hard times side by side.  To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, and I promise my love to you forevermore.


Sharing The Symbols of Rings:


Are there tokens of this marriage?


The gift of a wedding ring is a sign of a perpetual relationship, an enduring commitment, an everlasting love.  The ring is round and represents an eternal bond.  Today Insert Groom’s Name and Insert Bride’s Name will exchange rings as a sign of their vows, each to the other.  We celebrate with them as they give and receive these gifts of love and commitment.


Groom:  I give you this ring to wear with love and joy.  As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you.  I choose you to be my wife this day and forevermore.


Bride:  I give you this ring to wear with love and joy.  As a ring has no end, neither shall my love for you.  I choose you to be my husband this day and forevermore.




Insert Groom’s Name and Insert Bride’s Name, you have pledged your love and faith to each other, and have sealed your marriage vows with rings.  Therefore, by the authority vested in me as an ordained minister, I pronounce you husband and wife.


Symbol of Unity (optional)


Wedding Kiss:




I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Insert chosen name